At Haveli Overseas Education, our goal is to establish strong relationships with accredited and progressive Universities and High Schools that are committed to establishing, expanding, or diversifying their international student body.
Countries we are providing students admission in
- Uninted States of America
- Canda
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- Europe
USA is the world’s number one destination for higher studies abroad - thanks to its high quality of academic standards, extensive curriculum, and multicultural campuses. And equally important is the fact that USA offers great career opportunities and post study work permit, thereby enabling students to gain experience as well as earn a return on their investment! The United States is the ideal choice if you are looking to study Science and Engineering, Management, Advanced Technology or Design and engage in cutting edge research. Every graduating student in the United States is entitled to 12 months of post-study work permit; students pursuing STEM designated programs are entitled to 24 months of post study work permit, extendable to total 36 months! That’s a great opportunity to gain practical experience and as well as recover a big chunk of your investment in education.
Degree levels in USA range from :
- Bachelor’s Degrees: 4 years
- Masters Degrees: 2 years (accelerated 1 year)
- Ph.D (Doctorate): 4 to 6 years
MS in USA can be pursued as a thesis or non-thesis degree, depending on what the University offers. One can also explore Associate Degrees, Certificate and ESL Programs in the US. Browse through the University Options listed below and get in touch with us for inquiry or application to these or any other University that you may have in mind.
A-Z Universities in the United States by Alphabetical Order
US A-Z Universities and Ranking*
Canada is a popular option for students seeking quality education in a more affordable set up. Canada also offers a direct path to permanent citizenship - an option many international students seek. It has ranked as one of the top ten places to live in the world for over twenty years, and boasts an education system ranked among the best. The standards of education in Canada are uniformly high. There are a variety of higher institutions in Canada, which include colleges, technical and applied arts/science schools, and universities.
Students can choose from a number of study programs :
- Guidance: Course And Career
- Certificate or Diploma
- Advanced Diploma
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Master’s Degree
- Ph.D (Doctorate)
Universities in CANADA
Universities in CANADA**
The United Kingdom offers a world-renowned education system with qualifications that are applicable to your future. Over 500,000 international students study in the UK every year. The booming economy and the cultural diversity of United Kingdom attracts international students around the world. High living standards, multicultural exposure, affordable and quality education, and friendly post-study or working rules makes United Kingdom a hot favourite among the international students around the globe. It is amongst the top five destinations in the world to pursue higher education abroad. As an international student, you’ll find an array of exciting experiences ahead of you and will have the opportunity to discover exotic places and meet new people. As the UK is a cosmopolitan city, you’ll find that many UK customs are already familiar to you and so you’ll settle down faster than you think. The new Graduate Route will mean talented international students, whether in science and maths or technology and engineering, can study in the UK and then gain valuable work experience as they go on to build successful careers. This exciting announcement means that UK remains one of the best destinations for students across the world.
Degree levels in UK range from :
- Bachelor’s Degrees: 3 years or 4 years
- Masters Degrees: 2 years (accelerated 1 year)
- Ph.D (Doctorate): 4 to 6 years
Universities in Europe
Universities in Europe by countries**
Universities in the United Kingdom
Universities in the United Kingdom*